Welcome to Viatris Neuropathic Pain
Digital Screening Tool

Take the Assessment today

Instructions for using the Tool

  • This section will help you describe the type of pain you are feeling to your healthcare professional.
  • Consider the most painful area while answering the questions.
  • Click on the tab below to go through the questions.
  • There are total 6 questions in the toolkit which comes one after another and need to be answered.
  • Indicate “Yes” or “No” for the questions appearing one after the other.
  • Click on “SUBMIT” to get the score and you can review or edit all your answers in the review page.

Thank you for using
Viatris Neuropathic Pain Digital
Screening Tool

Based on your response, you
are not likely to experience
neuropathic pain. Consult your
doctor for more information.

Find out more information about pain. Please visit:    My Health My Life

Review or edit your answers

Orange: Your selected response

Thank you for using
Viatris Neuropathic Pain Digital
Screening Tool

Based on your response, you
are not likely to experience
neuropathic pain. Consult your
doctor for more information.

Find out more information about pain. Please visit:    My Health My Life